Brea Fisher

Brea Fisher is the founder of Quan Yin Gongfu. She has dedicated her life to sharing Chinese internal martial arts practices that cultivate sensitivity to the subtle, and that strengthen a harmonious dialogue between the body, mind, and spirit.

 The practices of the Quan Yin Gongfu temple bring practitioners together with the intention to dissolve emphasis on competition, hierarchy, and gender bias with which the martial and internal arts field is saturated. Most but not all of Brea’s offerings are for women, those who identify as female or feminine, or who are non-binary female bodied.

As an artist, Brea’s work unites the visual arts and the written word with the Chinese internal martial arts. Her daily dedication to the disciplines of Qigong, Taiji, and Gongfu began in 2007, and she has devoted her life to the practice since then. Brea carries the lineage of Eagle Claw Turning Style (Ying Zhao Fan Zi Men), teaching Gongfu and Taiji forms handed down to her by Master Sing Chui.

As a student of and conduit for the energy of Quan Yin, Brea shares a specific body of Qigong forms that transmit the essence of Quan Yin—Goddess of Compassion and emissary for unconditional love. 

Based on Tz’utujil Maya land in Guatemala, Brea teaches online and in person, offering 1:1 mentorship, on-going courses, workshops, intensive study immersions, and retreats.

For more information about Brea please visit:



Kathryn Davis


Daria Fain