Julia Kulakova

Julia Kulakova is a creator of Dance Vital and Spiral COREography courses, linking authentic movement practices and dance with energy cultivation and mindfulness for healthy and inspired living. As a movement artist and wellness practitioner, she offers a unique synthesis of yoga, athletics, classical, temple and belly dances with Qigong and other somatic disciplines. She is an American Council on Exercise PT and GF.

She practices Qi Gong and Tai Chi under the guidance of the world-renowned Grandmaster, Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming of YMAA, and his disciple master Lewis Paleias. She is also a practitioner of BaguaZhang under masters Alexander King (yin pai) and Chenhan Yang (emei) and of Odissi, classical Indian dance and Nritya Yoga under Amrita Choudhry.

Julia is certified in Yoga Anatomy (Leslie Kaminoff’s program) and Myofascial release (MELT Method) as well as being an athletic recovery expert. In 2016, she implemented Qi Gong and MELT as a recovery protocol at The Great India Run, a 919.6 miles ultra-marathon between Delhi and Mumbai. 


Natalia Luna